Episode 2

Genesis Chapter 1 versus 1-24

Published on: 1st January, 2025

Genesis Chapter 1 versus 1-24

The podcast opens with an introduction to the format and purpose of the daily Bible study led by Pastor Bob Thibaudeau. Designed for busy individuals, this 15-minute daily walk through the scriptures offers a unique opportunity to engage with the Bible in a manageable way. The episode emphasizes a verse-by-verse approach, allowing listeners to absorb the text and its meanings without the pressure of lengthy sermons or extensive theological debates.

As the episode progresses, Pastor Bob dives into Genesis 1, exploring the profound implications of the opening verses. He highlights the phrase "In the beginning," discussing the concept of time and the establishment of creation.

The discussion delves into the nature of God as Elohim, emphasizing the plurality of the Godhead and the collaborative act of creation. Pastor Bob clarifies that the term "Elohim" encompasses the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, reinforcing the idea that God's creative power is a dynamic process. This theological foundation sets the tone for understanding the subsequent verses, where the act of creation unfolds in a structured manner, showcasing God's intentional design.

The episode continues to unfold the creation narrative, with Pastor Bob elucidating the significance of light and its separation from darkness. He notes that light symbolizes God's presence and goodness, while darkness represents chaos and disorder.

As he reads through the creation account, he emphasizes the importance of speaking into existence what one desires, drawing parallels between God's creative words and the power of human speech.

This thematic exploration invites listeners to consider the impact of their own words and thoughts on their lives, encouraging them to align their declarations with God's truth.

The episode concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to reflect on their own lives and the potential for transformation through the application of biblical principles, all while maintaining a spirit of prayer and gratitude for the study of God's Word.


  • The podcast aims to provide a daily 15-minute Bible study for busy individuals.
  • Pastor Bob emphasizes the importance of God's word as life and guidance for all.
  • The study begins at the very start of the Bible, in Genesis chapter one.
  • Listeners are encouraged to actively participate by following along with their Bibles.
  • God's creation is discussed, emphasizing His power to bring order from chaos.
  • The podcast highlights the concept of being created in the image of God.

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Intro Speaker:

Welcome to your 15 minute daily Bible walk.

Intro Speaker:

A verse by verse devotional study through the Bible with Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux.

Intro Speaker:

In this unique study, Pastor Bob takes you through the Bible just a few verses at a time.

Intro Speaker:

From Genesis all the way through the book of the Revelation.

Intro Speaker:

No preaching, just a simple Bible reading with examples and short explanations of the meaning behind the Scriptures.

Intro Speaker:

Your 15 minute daily Bible walk is designed for those who are so busy it's hard for them to do a daily Bible study.

Intro Speaker:

So Pastor Bob developed this program so you could study the Bible in just 15 minutes a day.

Intro Speaker:

Now with today's scripture study, here's Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Hello everyone everywhere.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Welcome to your Fish 15 Minute Daily Bible Study.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Just a walk through the Bible.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

A daily walk through the Bible.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Glory to God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's when we're starting this.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Only the Lord knows how long it'll take to get through this Bible.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We're going to do this about 15 minutes a day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Go watch the introduction training, the first episode, episode one or I explain the outline and how we're going to be going through this.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

But we're just going to jump right into the day's Bible reading.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let's go to Lord with a word of prayer.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we praise you for your word.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Your word is life.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

To all who find it, your word provides wisdom, guidance, answers to all of life's problems.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Father, we thank you and praise you that we get to study your word.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

As your children, we need to sit at the Father's knees and allow you to minister to us through your word.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Your word is Jesus himself.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Jesus himself is the word of God alive.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the Holy Spirit is with us right now to lead, guide and direct these conversations.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

To you, sir, we give all honor, glory and praise for all you accomplish through this Bible study.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it goes throughout the world through the power of the Internet that you brought into place in this time of creation.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

As we get ready to wrap it all up to win as many souls as possible, possible into the kingdom of God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In Jesus name we pray.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Amen and Amen.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Shout Amen.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Somebody somewhere.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We're ready to jump into this now.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

If you have your Bibles or you don't have them, go get them.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We're going to go ahead and get started in Genesis chapter one.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's where we're going to start.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Right in the very beginning.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We're going to Begin, read.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Today I'm reading from the King James Version.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Sometimes I'll go to the message or maybe the English Standard Version if, if what we're going to be studying I believe would help you understand better through that.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

But today we're going to use the King James Version.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Genesis chapter one.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In the beginning.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let me stop right there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Before what?

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

There was nothing.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Right in the beginning, God established that's the beginning.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's what we call time.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Before this word, in the beginning there was no time.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It was just eternity.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God was there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In the beginning is our time.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

This is what God is establishing.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Right now is the beginning of creation, the beginning of what we are going to be experiencing.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

So that proves that God was right there in the beginning.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now in the beginning, the very next word is God created the heaven and the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now let me stop right there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God in the English translation does not mean God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

I know that confused you right there, didn't it?

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Okay, let's back up.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In Hebrew, the word is Elohim.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim is plural, equals godhead, okay, which means a plural.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

All three.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Son, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They're all three together.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's the Godhead.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's what that means right there in the beginning.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim, the three of them.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim, all three together.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In the beginning, Elohim created the heaven and the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now the heaven, that word, heaven and earth again, if you watch that episode one, my Hebrew may not be accurate.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Okay, as far as pronunciation, Greek pronunciations, Aramaic pronunciations, I'm giving you the Brother Bob pronunciation.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

But in Hebrew that word earth is parachute bear shit.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It means the cosmos.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

In other words, space.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Not the planets, not the stars, space itself.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Okay, in the beginning, God created space itself.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

He as well created the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That comes in a little while.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The earth was without form, without form.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The Hebrew word there is to how this means waste, desolate, confusion, chaos, no order, just disorder.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now if you stop and think about it, that makes complete sense when you're trying to, you know, how does the dinosaurs and how does the creation theory and not the creation, but the evolution theory, you know, and all the, you know, everything was just blah.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It wasn't no form fashion thing.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And all that has come together now.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Well, there's the answer right there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Because in the beginning the earth was just in chaos, desolate, nothing, air, just disorder, void, darkness was on the face of the deep.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the spirit of God's moving on the waters.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim, the spirit of Elohim is moving over everything.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim said, let there be light.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

He actually said, the actual translation.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Light be.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And he cast light forth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God is light.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Light be.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And there was light.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Heloim saw the light, that it was good.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It had to be good, because God's good, God's perfect.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And God divided the light from the darkness.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And helloim called the light day and the darkness.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now, that's not the sun that doesn't come yet.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God is like.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God has now invoked his presence into this void.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We're going to call it that.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God is now present and light is there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The light of God is there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The evening in the morning were the first day again, that's not the sun and the moon and all that.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That hasn't come yet.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Okay, Verse six.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let it divide the waters from the waters.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which are above the firmament from.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so this was the atmosphere now separating it from space.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

All right?

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim called the firmament heaven.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the evening, the morning were the second day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Verse 9, where we at on our time here.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And verse nine.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together in one place and let dry land appear.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim called the dry land earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And gathering together of the waters he called seas.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim, the three of them, saw that it was good.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim said, let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim saw that it was good.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The evening and the morning were the third day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And God said in verse 14, Genesis 1, verse 14, Let there be lights.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let them be for signs and for seasons, for days and for years.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Here's the sun.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let them be for lights in a firmament, in the.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

For the heaven of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim made two great lights, the great light to rule the day, the lesser light to rule the night.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And he made the stars also.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now we have what we know as filling the space void.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It'll rule over the day and over the Night to divide the light from the darkness.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And God saw it was good.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

The evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And God, Elohim said, let the waters bring forth abundantly moving creatures that has life foul, that may fly above the earth and the open firmament of the heaven.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now that word life, a spirit of life that has its own soul.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now, a soul.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now, in case you didn't know, you are a three part being, just like Elohim.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You have a soul, you have a spirit.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You are a living spirit, you have a soul.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Your soul is made up of your mind, your will and your emotions, right?

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

So you are a spirit, you have a soul, you live in a body.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Here he's doing the same thing with the animals.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They are now living souls.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They have their own mind, will and emotions.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They are not living spirits.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They are souls living in a body.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

A soul has their own mind, will and emotion.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Verse 21.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim created great whales and living creatures that move which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim saw that it was all good.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

All creatures here have the ability from God to think, experience pain, to react.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You know, whether it's fish, plants or anything, they all react to stimuli.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You've seen studies where, you know, they.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They play loud rock music over one set of plants and soothing orchestral music over others.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the rock plants don't flourish as much as the other ones do.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

They all react to stimuli.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Everything reacts to stimuli.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

That's what we're saying right here.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Go to verse 22.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Elohim blessed them.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Here's the blessing, the blessing of God's upon this.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now bless them, saying, be fruitful and multiply.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Fill the waters and the seas.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let foul multiply in the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And Elohim said verse 24, which Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Now, cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth after his kind.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Notice God's speaking here.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Everything he's doing, he's speaking it.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was so speaking it.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It was so speaking it.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It was so.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You are a spirit.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You have a soul, mind, will and emotion.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You live in a body.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You are a three part being created in the image of God, which we'll get into.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And this is why it's so important what you speak matters.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You're created in the image of God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You're creating his image.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You have that power.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

You have that Authority speak.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Jesus said, whatsoever you shall say and believe in your heart, it should come to pass.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

It will be even as you say.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

This is where we're getting the demonstration of it right here in the very first chapter of the Bible.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

God speaking what he wants to happen.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And it was.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

So that's what I wanted to show you with.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And we're getting ready to wrap this up for today, the evening and the morning of the fifth day.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

So we're gonna stop right there.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

All right, folks, it is so important that you stick with us during this Bible study, this 15 minute daily walk through the Bible.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

And what I want you to understand from today's lesson, there was nothing and God created it by speaking it.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

So let's take 20, 25 and speak what you want to come to pass in this year.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Stick with us.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We go through this.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Let's go, Lord, with prayer.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Father, in Jesus name, we thank you and praise you for this Bible study.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We thank you and praise you Lord, that you are the one that rules over all things.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We thank you Jesus for your continued blessings upon us.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We praise you that you bless each and every person.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

We pray that whether listening live or on the recording, you are taking care of your every need.

Pastor Bob Thibaudeaux:

Father, we thank you and praise you for this brand new year.

Intro Speaker:

Thank you for joining Pastor Bob as he leads you verse by verse through the Bible in this series called your 15 Minute Bible Walk.

Intro Speaker:

We pray this study will bring you closer to God and reveal his word and his will for you through the scriptures.

Intro Speaker:

We would consider it an honor and a blessing if you would support this outreach by clicking the subscribe button on the player that you are currently listening to this program on.

Intro Speaker:

That way you will have immediate access as soon as a new episode is aired.

Intro Speaker:

Remember, this program is designed to help you study the Word of God in just 15 minutes every day.

Intro Speaker:

Join us next time as we continue our 15 minute Bible walk.

Intro Speaker:

Until then, Pastor Bob wants to remind you to be blessed in all that you do.

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About the Podcast

15 Minute Daily Bible Walk
Verse by Verse Through The Bible
This has been a project I have been contemplating for a long time.

Join me in walking through the Bible on our personal Bible study - one verse at at time. There is no "preaching" here. Just simple scripture reading with brief explanations and examples of what the scripture mean.

I was inspired to do this project based upon the program "Through The Bible" with Dr. Jay Veron McGee (who is passed on to be with the Lord for several years now). When I first started to study the Bible, his radio program helped me immensely. It took Dr. McGee 5 years to do a complete Bible Study.

I do not know how long it will take us. But you can start listening at anytime. My goal is to create a new episode each and every day (365 days per year).

Of course, "sometimes" life will get in the way (for many reasons). But I will pick it right back up where we left off (and try to catch up the days that were missed - to help keep us on track).

As I continue to add more episodes, you can join us at the most recent program or start at the beginning. Each episode is labeled as to the scriptures we are going to discuss.

I am so blessed you are here and I pray you will get a huge blessing as we join together in a "15 Minute Daily Bible Walk!" Amen!
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About your host

Profile picture for Robert Thibodeau

Robert Thibodeau

I am a 12 year Army veteran as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
I am now a retired law enforcement supervisor...

I had my own business for seven years before I entered law enforcement.

As a cop, I was injured on the job on May 12, 2007 and after several surgeries over a couple of years, forced to retire in 2011.

As I was looking down the road to “what am I going to do next?” I started what is now known as a podcast (I had no clue at the time).

Within six months of starting (what I called) “My online radio program” I was offered an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio. I learned A LOT in one year of doing that!

I then started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010. It has had listeners in 160+ nations and all 50 states. We host 50+ Christian broadcasters on a weekly basis. We have been operating 24/7 for almost 14 years now. We have been rated #1 in the world by Shoutcast. com on several occasions in our genre. We recently transferred ownership of Evangelism Radio to another ministry so I could concentrate full time on podcasting, preaching and writing.

In 2018, I started the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast to conduct interviews with Christian influencers from all walks of life and to play their interviews on the radio station. (The KCR Podcast has its own time slot on Evangelism Radio)!
We now have over 1600 episodes and almost 1100 interviews (in just over 6 years).

Looking out at the future of online Christian media, I noticed there was no viable platforms that catered only to the Christian podcast market.

In 2023, we launched a networking platform called, "FaithCasters" which connects "Great Christian podcasters with Great Christian Guests!" This helps to promote the work you do through podcast interviews! Check it out at https://FaithCaster.org

We recently launched "FaithCaster Academy" which serves as a training hub for ALL of our trainings (podcast training / speaker training / interview training, etc.). Members receive access to ALL of our training programs for one low, monthly membership fee. Members also receive FREE access to ALL of the LIVE trainings I conduct (1 or 2 per month) - while non-members have to pay to access the live trainings.

Between my podcast training program, conducting podcast interviews, appearing on other podcasts as guests, speaking at conferences (in person and virtually) and the podcast networking platform, I guess you could say “I’m all in” when it comes to podcasting and online media!

My total focus is to do all we can to assist you to “Get The Word Out” about your mission, services, products, ministry, books, business, etc.