Episode 21
Genesis Chapter 16 vs 1 to 6
The Thorn of Compromise:
What Ishmael Teaches Us Today
Pastor Bob Thibodeau explores the theme of compromise in relation to God's promises in this thought-provoking episode. He shares the story of Abram and Sarai from Genesis, highlighting how their decision to use Sarai's maid, Hagar, to bear a child led to the birth of Ishmael, a symbol of compromise.
The narrative illustrates the tension between divine promises and human impatience, as Abram and Sarai struggled with their inability to conceive.
Pastor Bob emphasizes the long-lasting consequences of their choice, which created ongoing challenges for their descendants.
Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own lives, considering what promises they may have compromised on and the impact of those decisions.
- The episode discusses the story of Abram and Sarai from Genesis, focusing on their struggle with childlessness.
- Sarai suggested that Abram have a child with her maid Hagar as a solution to their problem.
- This decision led to the birth of Ishmael, representing a compromise on God's promise.
- The host emphasizes that compromising on God's promises can lead to unforeseen consequences.
- Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own compromises regarding God's promises in their lives.
- The discussion highlights the importance of waiting for God's timing instead of forcing solutions.
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Hello, everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Welcome to your 15 minute daily Bible walk.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We're so blessed that you're joining us today as we continue our study through the book of Genesis.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And today we're going to begin in chapter 16, Genesis, chapter 16.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We'll begin in verse number one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:She had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Sarai said to Abram, behold, now the Lord has restrained me from bearing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I pray thee, go in unto my maid.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It may be that I may obtain children by her.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai and Sarai, Abram's wife took Hagar, her maid, the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt 10 years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband, Abram, to be his wife.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 4.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he went in to Hagar, and she conceived.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:When she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Sarai said to Abram, my wrong be upon you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I have given my maid into your bosom.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So the Lord judged between you and me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But Abram said to Sarai, behold, your maid is in your hand.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Do to her as it pleases you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:When Sarai dealt harshly with her, she, Hagar, fled from her face.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'll stop right there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I want to go in a little bit in depth here about what just happened.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Abram was told by God him and Sarai would have babies.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it hadn't happened yet.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:She was told God said, through you, your descendants shall be numerous as the sand of the sea.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all that promise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, we can say that they tried.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It just wasn't happening.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It just was not happening.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And here we see that, you know, they're getting up in years, all right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we have the issue here of, you know, is the promise going to come to pass or not?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And one day Abe's coming back from the market probably, and, you know, coming through town.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And, you know, this is days before air conditioning, so it's probably warm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And she's sitting outside the tent trying to stay as cool as she can.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And here comes April walking up the street towards the tent.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And she's like, oh, God, he's got that look in his eyes again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because, remember, this is not immaculate conceptions, all right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They had to physically try and take care of business.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We'll just leave it like that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And here comes Abram walking up, and then she Says to Abram, a verse two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I've been talking to God and you can just see this, okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just picture this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just put up with brother Bob and his folly here for a little bit.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:As Paul used to say, bear with me a little in my folly.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm just trying to paint this picture here for you about what may have occurred here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Sarai said to Abraham, you know, I know Abe, God told you that you were going to have a baby.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And obviously it's not going to happen through me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's just not happening.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So I got an idea.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Why don't you go in with my servant girl and have a baby by her and then we'll raise it together and you'll have your son and everything will be great.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now picture this now, okay, at this point in time, let's say Abram is, you know, 70 some years old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We know that, that over here in when Isaac was born, he was 99 years old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And that 13 years was when Ishmael, once he turned 13, is when God appeared to him again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So go 13 years prior to that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And you got 87 a year for the nine months, you know, for the conception and all that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So he's about 86 years old at this point in time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And they've been trying for a while.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just leave.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'll just let that hang there for a second.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And she says, you know, this is my idea.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And here's 86 year old, which means Hagar or Sarai was how old?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:About 76.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So here Abram's looking at, you know, Grandma Sarai over here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it looks over here at, you know, let's just say 21 year old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hagar looks back over here at Sarai, looks back over here at Hagar, says, you sure?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:She goes, yeah, yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This, I think, I think this is what God wants.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Abram shrugs and shows, it sounds like God to me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And in they go.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And out came Ishmael.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Ishmael basically means a compromise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:A compromise where God gave you a promise and you compromised on it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, it could be an.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:On anything.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Buying a new car, you know, nothing wrong with your old car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah, it's three, four, five years old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's not as shiny as it was when you drove it off.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That car room, the new car floor, that showroom.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But there's nothing wrong with it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean, you know, it's got some nicks and dings and might not be running exactly like it was when it was brand new, but there's nothing wrong Wrong with it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But yet you see his commercial for a brand new car and you still owe two, three years on this other one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He decided, you know what we got going and see what they'll give me for it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So let's say your car payment was 400amonth, $300 a month.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now it's gonna be $550 a month.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But instead of only having a year, 18 months left on the note and it'll be paid off.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now you're in debt for another six, seven years at a higher amount.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's a compromise, folks.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's a compromise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just, I'm just letting that there's nothing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You're not in sin, you're not going to hell over buying a car unless God told you exactly not to do it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the point I'm trying to make here is if you're believing for a new car, wait for God to open the door for it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It will happen on his time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, we drove our car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is, I'm just gonna put this out there before we wrap up for today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:My car, I drove it for 17 years and it was, you know, we knew that it was about time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But it was nice not having a car payment and a very low insurance payment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I kept full coverage on it the whole time, even after it had been paid off.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We financed it for seven years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I had it paid off in four.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we kept full coverage on it because if something happened, I wanted to make sure I had at least a down payment for a new one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And, you know, we knew it was getting on.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I said, well, probably this summer we're going to be getting a new car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, we'll save up for a good down payment and we'll go in and we'll get a new car this year.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And instead somebody ran a red light and totaled my car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, we had full coverage insurance.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Guess what?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We got a down payment for a brand new car now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yes, we have a car payment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay, I'm not going to hell because of a car payment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But what I'm trying to say is all of this worked out where I didn't have to script and save and all that other stuff for a car payment because we had a car payment through the insurance program, even though it had been paid off.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I kept it there just for that, just in case something happened.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it did, in God's timing on it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I didn't say God caused the accident, okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm saying that the accident occurred because somebody made a decision to run a red light that's not.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm not condemning nobody, anything like that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm just saying that's what happened.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the resources were there and God provided those resources so we could just walk right in, get a brand new car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Within a week we had our new car.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So the point I'm trying to make is do not compromise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I could have gone in at any time and said, you know, what do you give me for this one?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it wouldn't have been worth much because it was 17 years old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And so let's say they give you a thousand bucks.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, now you know, now I'm in debt even more unless I come up with a large down payment out of pocket which means we gotta take from our savings and all that other stuff.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But instead it all worked out.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, all things work together for good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Same thing would have happened here with Abram.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Instead he had a compromise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Ishmael.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Ishmael is the compromise and the thing I want to leave you with today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm going to ask you this question and I want you to ponder it until we come back next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:What did God promise you that you've compromised on and how has that affected you?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because here we will see as we continue next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Ishmael has been a thorn in Abraham's descendant sides ever since.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It should not have been like that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He did not need Ishmael but because he is related to Abraham.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's toll.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we'll see this where as we get into this next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God promised Ishmael's mom Hagar that he'd take care of them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But that has become a thorn in Israel's side that goes to even today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We're gonna leave it right there till next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This Pastor Bob reminding you to be blessed in all that you and don't compromise trying to beat God at his own game.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It just does not work.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Be blessed.