Episode 3
Genesis 1 vs 24 to Genesis 2 vs 15
Genesis 1 vs 24 to Genesis 2 vs 15
Join Pastor Bob Thibodeau as he explores the profound concept of humanity being created in the image of Elohim, the triune God. This episode delves into Genesis chapters one and two, highlighting the significance of man being made as a spirit being with a body, allowing for interaction with God's creation. Pastor Bob emphasizes that while we may have fallen from grace, accepting Jesus renews our spirit to be in the likeness of God once more. The discussion also covers God's provision for humanity, illustrating that He not only created us but continues to care for our needs. As the study progresses, listeners are invited to reflect on their relationship with God and the transformative power of accepting Christ into their lives.
- Pastor Bob emphasizes that the Bible can be studied in just 15 minutes daily, making it accessible for busy individuals.
- The concept of Elohim as a three-part being is fundamental to understanding God's nature and creation.
- God provided for his creations, ensuring that humans and animals had everything they needed to thrive.
- Genesis illustrates that humans are made in the image of God, reflecting their spiritual nature.
- The Garden of Eden represents God's provision, where he placed Adam to care for it.
- Understanding the Fall is crucial, as it highlights the corruption of the spirit passed down through generations.
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Welcome to your 15 minute daily Bible walk.
Host:A verse by verse devotional study through the Bible with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Host:In this unique study, Pastor Bob takes you through the Bible just a few verses at a time.
Host:From Genesis all the way through the book of the Revelation.
Host:No preaching, just a simple Bible reading with examples and short explanations of the meaning behind the Scriptures.
Host:Your 15 minute daily Bible walk is designed for those who are so busy it's hard for them to do a daily Bible study.
Host:So Pastor Bob developed this program so you could study the Bible in just 15 minutes a day.
Host:Now, with today's Scripture study, here's Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Pastor Bob:We're so blessed that you're joining us today.
Pastor Bob:We're blessed each and every day that we come together around the word of God.
Pastor Bob:Just share His Word and study His Word together.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And today we're going to pick up where we left off.
Pastor Bob:Genesis, chapter one, verse 24.
Pastor Bob:And God said.
Pastor Bob:Now let's back up to what we learned in the prior episode yesterday.
Pastor Bob:That that English translation of God in Hebrew means Elohim.
Pastor Bob:That's the actual word, Elohim.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim is the three part being, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Pastor Bob:Okay.
Pastor Bob:Elohim is the Godhead in plurality.
Pastor Bob:Okay?
Pastor Bob:So Elohim said, verse 24.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim said, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind.
Pastor Bob:Cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth after his kind.
Pastor Bob:And it was so.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim made the beasts of the earth after his kind, cattle after their kind, everything that creeps upon the earth after their kind.
Pastor Bob:And God Elohim saw that it was good.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, after the likeness of Elohim, let them have dominion.
Pastor Bob:So make man after our image.
Pastor Bob:That's God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Bob:We are three part beings.
Pastor Bob:We are spirit, soul and body.
Pastor Bob:And we're going to look into this in a second.
Pastor Bob:But we are made in the image of Elohim, in the image of God.
Pastor Bob:We are just like him.
Pastor Bob:Praise the Lord.
Pastor Bob:We're fallen unless we renew our faith with Jesus Christ and accept him into our life.
Pastor Bob:And we'll get into that here in a second.
Pastor Bob:Let's continue reading and verse 28.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim blessed them.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim said to them, be fruitful and multiply.
Pastor Bob:Replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion.
Pastor Bob:Have dominion.
Pastor Bob:We are to have dominion in this earth over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you.
Pastor Bob:It shall be for me.
Pastor Bob:See, God makes his provision for us, folks.
Pastor Bob:We are blessed of God.
Pastor Bob:Our needs are met according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:But what I want you to see here is God just doesn't say, okay, I made that for you.
Pastor Bob:Go take care of it.
Pastor Bob:No, he provides.
Pastor Bob:If he's telling you to do something, he's making a way.
Pastor Bob:It may not look like there's any way there, but he is making a way.
Pastor Bob:If he's telling you to do it, he is making that provision for you.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:So verse 29.
Pastor Bob:Okay, verse 30.
Pastor Bob:And every beast of the earth to every fowl of the air, to everything that creeps on the earth wherein there is life.
Pastor Bob:I have given every green herb for meat.
Pastor Bob:And it was so.
Pastor Bob:So see, he's creating.
Pastor Bob:He takes care of the animals and everything else.
Pastor Bob:He is providing for them just like he provides for you.
Pastor Bob:That's why Jesus said, look at the birds of the air.
Pastor Bob:He said, you know, they don't gather into barns and worry about what they're going to eat.
Pastor Bob:God provides for them.
Pastor Bob:You're much more valuable than they are.
Pastor Bob:Right.
Pastor Bob:God will provide for you, too, if you just believe it.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And that's not just 2,000 years ago.
Pastor Bob:That's for this year, too.
Pastor Bob:Each and every day, God will provide for you if you'll just believe it.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Verse 31.
Pastor Bob:Elohim saw everything he'd made, and behold, it was very good.
Pastor Bob:It just wasn't good.
Pastor Bob:It was very good.
Pastor Bob:And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Pastor Bob:Now, that concludes Genesis chapter one.
Pastor Bob:In this time that we have remaining, I want to go ahead and jump Into Genesis chapter 2.
Pastor Bob:Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
Pastor Bob:And on the seventh day, Elohim ended his work which he had made and rested on the seventh day from all the work which Elohim had made.
Pastor Bob:And Elohim blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, separated it, because in it Elohim had rested from all the work which Elohim created and made.
Pastor Bob:Verse 4.
Pastor Bob:These are the generations of the heavens, of the earth, when they were created in that day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
Pastor Bob:Now we got a new phrase.
Pastor Bob:The Lord God, if Elohim is translated into English as God.
Pastor Bob:What does the Lord God mean?
Pastor Bob:Well, the Lord God is Yahweh Elohim.
Pastor Bob:That's the secret name, the real name of God.
Pastor Bob:Yahweh.
Pastor Bob:Yahweh Elohim.
Pastor Bob:And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, every herb of the field before it even grew.
Pastor Bob:For Yahweh Elohim had not caused it to rain upon the earth.
Pastor Bob:There was no man to till the ground.
Pastor Bob:But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
Pastor Bob:Verse 7, chapter 2, verse 7.
Pastor Bob:And Yahweh Elohim, foreign man of the dust of the ground.
Pastor Bob:Now wait a minute.
Pastor Bob:We just seen in chapter one, God created man in his own image, in the image of Yahweh, he created him.
Pastor Bob:Male and female.
Pastor Bob:He created them.
Pastor Bob:But yet over here we have a man formed from the dust of the ground.
Pastor Bob:So what's going on here?
Pastor Bob:Simple.
Pastor Bob:Verse 26, chapter 1.
Pastor Bob:Yahweh said, let's make man in our image after our likeness.
Pastor Bob:Let them have dominion.
Pastor Bob:There was no bodily Jesus there.
Pastor Bob:There was no body of the Holy Spirit, no body of Yahweh Elohim himself.
Pastor Bob:Spirit.
Pastor Bob:Let us create man in a spirit that's just like us.
Pastor Bob:Spirit having dominion.
Pastor Bob:That's what it says.
Pastor Bob:Let them have dominion.
Pastor Bob:A spirit, man with God, with.
Pastor Bob:With the.
Pastor Bob:The.
Pastor Bob:The tri.
Pastor Bob:Part.
Pastor Bob:Being of God.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Now over here in chapter two, verse seven.
Pastor Bob:And Yahweh Elohim form man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
Pastor Bob:And man became a living soul.
Pastor Bob:So there we go.
Pastor Bob:God took man from being with him in his presence up in heaven, wherever that might be, and put him breathed into this pile of dirt.
Pastor Bob:And man became a living soul.
Pastor Bob:The man formed from the dust of the ground now had a body, a body that Elohim could occupy.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:He made.
Pastor Bob:You gotta get this, folks.
Pastor Bob:There was no body of Jesus yet.
Pastor Bob:Elohim wanted to interact with his creation.
Pastor Bob:He created a man out of the dust of the ground so that out of the created things so that he could interact with creation.
Pastor Bob:And then Elohim himself breathed the breath of life, put the spirit of the man which contained Yahweh himself into this pile of dirt.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And man became a living soul.
Pastor Bob:I want you to understand this.
Pastor Bob:You are a living spirit being.
Pastor Bob:You may have a corrupted spirit, but it's still a spirit.
Pastor Bob:And you will go to hell unless you make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Pastor Bob:The moment you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.
Pastor Bob:Your spirit man dies.
Pastor Bob:That wicked spirit dies.
Pastor Bob:Now here in the garden.
Pastor Bob:It was a pure spirit.
Pastor Bob:It was a pure spirit of God.
Pastor Bob:It was a spirit man that was pure in every way, just living inside a body so he could interact with creation.
Pastor Bob:The Fall, which we'll get into probably next time.
Pastor Bob:The Fall corrupted that Holy Spirit, the spirit of man that God had put into that body.
Pastor Bob:The Fall corrupted that.
Pastor Bob:And that was handed down, that sinful nature that was now handed down spiritually through every other person ever since, all the way down to you and me.
Pastor Bob:Today, when you accept Jesus as your Savior, your spirit man dies and is instantly recreated with God's spirit, Jesus spirit himself, the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Bob:You are now just like God, but still living in his body, just like Adam was pure in every way.
Pastor Bob:You have God's spirit in you, just like Adam was.
Pastor Bob:So here you go.
Pastor Bob:Verse 7, Yahweh Elohim.
Pastor Bob:Four men of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, a speaking spirit.
Pastor Bob:You are a spirit.
Pastor Bob:You have a soul.
Pastor Bob:A soul is your mind, your will and your emotions.
Pastor Bob:And you live in a body.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And the Lord God, Yahweh Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden.
Pastor Bob:Adam didn't plant the garden.
Pastor Bob:Adam didn't make anything in a garden.
Pastor Bob:We don't have to make our own provision either.
Pastor Bob:Yahweh Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden.
Pastor Bob:There he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground made Yahweh Elohim to grow every tree that's pleasant to the sight and good for food.
Pastor Bob:The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden.
Pastor Bob:And the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
Pastor Bob:Now think about that.
Pastor Bob:The Tree of Life first.
Pastor Bob:Every tree of the garden is to eat.
Pastor Bob:God made provision where there was no provision.
Pastor Bob:He'll do the same thing in your life today.
Pastor Bob:God will make provision where there is no provision.
Pastor Bob:He'll make sure that you're taken care of.
Pastor Bob:If you'll only believe it, here in the garden.
Pastor Bob:God planted every tree that was in the garden and put man in it.
Pastor Bob:And out of the ground.
Pastor Bob:God made every tree that is pleasant to delight, good for food.
Pastor Bob:The Tree of Life.
Pastor Bob:The Tree of Life was there.
Pastor Bob:The Tree of Life, to live forever was there.
Pastor Bob:Well, guess what?
Pastor Bob:That Tree of Life is still there.
Pastor Bob:It's still in the garden.
Pastor Bob:It's still providing fruit.
Pastor Bob:And you know what?
Pastor Bob:We'll get to it eventually.
Pastor Bob:Revelation 22 what's there?
Pastor Bob:We.
Pastor Bob:What's there?
Pastor Bob:The tree of life bearing fruit.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:It's there just like it was here.
Pastor Bob:It hasn't gone.
Pastor Bob:It hasn't changed.
Pastor Bob:You know, the Garden of Eden didn't wash away somewhere and buried under, you know, 2,000ft of sediment now.
Pastor Bob:No, the Garden of Eden is still there.
Pastor Bob:And I've.
Pastor Bob:We've got a series on this that we're talking about that garden still there.
Pastor Bob:It's still in existence.
Pastor Bob:And we're going to get into the fall and then you're going to see what happened.
Pastor Bob:But that garden is still there.
Pastor Bob:And we'll be put back into the garden at the culmination of everything.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Let's just hold that thought.
Pastor Bob:We'll get to it eventually.
Pastor Bob:I don't want to jump way ahead because it just confused the issue here.
Pastor Bob:I got a series on that.
Pastor Bob:You can go look it up on YouTube.
Pastor Bob:All right, now, verse nine.
Pastor Bob:Out of the ground made Yahweh Elohim grow every tree its pleasant sight, good for food, tree of life in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Pastor Bob:That's the one that caused the fall.
Pastor Bob:A river went out of Eden to water the garden.
Pastor Bob:From there it was parted and became into four heads.
Pastor Bob:Verse 11.
Pastor Bob:The name of the first is Pison, that which surrounds the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And the gold of that land is good.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:There's Bedlam, an onyx stone.
Pastor Bob:Verse 13.
Pastor Bob:The name of the second river is Gihon, the same as that surrounds the whole land of Ethiopia.
Pastor Bob:Verse 14.
Pastor Bob:The name of the third river is Hedekel, which goes towards the east of Assyria.
Pastor Bob:And the fourth river is Euphrates.
Pastor Bob:And the Lord God Yahweh Elohim took the man, put him into the garden, put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Pastor Bob:Now, let me stop right there.
Pastor Bob:To keep it.
Pastor Bob:If I give you something to hold for me, say, here, keep this for me, what does that mean?
Pastor Bob:It means you're to protect it, take care of it, because I want it back, right?
Pastor Bob:But I need you to keep it right now.
Pastor Bob:It doesn't mean, you know, you got to polish it every day, you know, it just says, keep it, protect it, dress it.
Pastor Bob:That's taking care of the garden.
Pastor Bob:To keep it means Adam was charged with protecting that garden, and that's where he failed.
Pastor Bob:And that's what we're going to get into next time.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:I'm Enjoying myself.
Pastor Bob:I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am doing it.
Pastor Bob:I just love the word of God.
Pastor Bob:It explains itself so well.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:And we're going to get in deep subjects on this topic.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:But I want to offer you the opportunity to accept Jesus as your Savior.
Pastor Bob:We talked about it.
Pastor Bob:Now I want you to be able to do it.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:We might not do this in every broadcast.
Pastor Bob:We're going to do it this broadcast.
Pastor Bob:Praise God.
Pastor Bob:If you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you want to do it right now.
Pastor Bob:Pray this prayer with me.
Pastor Bob:Say, heavenly Father, in Jesus name, I come before your throne of grace and mercy this day knowing that I am a sinner.
Pastor Bob:And I ask you to forgive me of my sins.
Pastor Bob:Jesus, you came to forgive me to pay that sin debt.
Pastor Bob:And I ask you to wash me clean and create in me this new man.
Pastor Bob:Breathe into me this breath of life, creating me a new spirit, man, that's just like Elohim.
Pastor Bob:Praise God for what we learned today.
Pastor Bob:And Lord, I just thank you for that.
Pastor Bob:I thank you.
Pastor Bob:I'm born again in the image of God.
Pastor Bob:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob:And I praise you for it, Father, in Jesus name.
Pastor Bob:Amen.
Pastor Bob:If you prayed that prayer, email me@Brother BobTFM.org because we want to rejoice with you.
Pastor Bob:Man, this has been so good.
Pastor Bob:You know, sometimes I just amaze myself.
Pastor Bob:I guess you could say where we are trying our best.
Pastor Bob:Share the word.
Pastor Bob:Sometimes you might say, man, it's kind of monotonous because I'm trying to make it interesting.
Pastor Bob:If you enjoy this, share this out with all your followers.
Pastor Bob:Tell them to subscribe as you subscribe to the podcast.
Host:Till next time though, thank you for joining Pastor Bob as he leads you verse by verse through the Bible in this series called your 15 Minute Bible Walk.
Host:We pray this study will bring you closer to God and reveal his word and his will for you through the Scriptures.
Host:We would consider it an honor and a blessing if you would support this outreach by clicking the subscribe button on the player that you are currently listening to this program on.
Host:That way you will have immediate access as soon as a new episode is aired.
Host:Remember, this program is designed to help you study the Word of God in just 15 minutes every day.
Host:Join us next time as we continue our 15 minute Bible walk.
Host:Until then, Pastor Bob wants to remind you to be blessed in all that you do.