Episode 8
Genesis Ch 4 vs 24 to Genesis Chp 6 vs 8
Genesis Ch 4 vs 24 to Genesis Chp 6 vs 8
Pastor Bob Thibodeau delves into the intricate genealogy and significant events of early humanity as outlined in the Book of Genesis. The main focus of this episode is the contrast between the lifespans of early biblical figures and the impact of sin on human life, highlighting how sin has gradually shortened lifespans over generations.
Pastor Thibodeau discusses key figures such as Adam, Seth, and Noah, illustrating their roles and the lineage that leads to Noah, who finds grace in the eyes of the Lord amidst a world filled with wickedness.
He emphasizes the notion that God's sorrow over humanity's fallen state led Him to consider drastic measures, illustrating the gravity of the situation.
Join Pastor Thibodeau as he navigates through these profound biblical narratives, offering insights into the spiritual lessons they impart for today's listeners.
- The podcast emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical lineages and their implications for faith.
- Pastor Bob discusses the significance of Enoch's relationship with God and his unique fate.
- The episode explores the gradual decline in human lifespans as a consequence of sin.
- Listeners are encouraged to reflect on God's sorrow over humanity's sinful state.
- The narrative of Noah is introduced, highlighting his role in God's plan for redemption.
- The discussion also touches on the profound impact of repentance in the relationship between God and humanity.
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Hello everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Welcome to the Faith based.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm sorry, the.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The 15 Minute Bible Walk.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So many podcasts that I do sometimes just get confused.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But 15 minute Bible walk for today, which is January 7th.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we left off last time with Genesis chapter four and verse 24.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So we'll begin today in Genesis chapter four, verse 25.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Adam knew his wife again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's having relations with his wife again as she conceived and bore a son, called his name Seth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:For God said.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God, she said, has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And to Seth, to him also, there was born a son.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He called his name Enosh.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord, or Elohim.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Men began to call again on the name of elohim.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis, chapter 5, verse 1.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is the book of the generations of Adam.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In the day that God created man in the likeness of man, he created him male and female.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He created them and blessed them and called their name Adam.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the day when in which they were created and Adam lived 130 years, begot a son in his own likeness, after his own image, and called his name Seth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the days of Adam after he'd be gotten Seth were 800 years and he got sons and daughters, so that all the days that Adam lived were 930 years and then he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Seth lived 105 years and begot Enosh.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Seth lived after he got Enosh, 807 years and he got sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Seth were 912 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Enosh lived 90 years and begot Canaan.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Enos lived after he begot Canaan, 815 years begot sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Enosh were 905 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Notice that you're living less and less, right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The death cycle, the deaths that sinned, the contamination of sin is already at work, shortening lifespans of everyone.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 12.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Canaan lives 70 years, begot Mahaliel.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Canaan lived after he got Mahalil, 840 years and we got sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Canaan were 910 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Mal.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 15.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Malia lived 65 years and begat Jared, Mahaliel after he got Jared, 830 years, beginning sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Mahaliel were 895 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jared lived 162 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He begot Enoch.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Jared lived after he got Enoch 800 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We got sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Jared were 962 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Enoch, verse 21.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Enoch lives 65 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We got Methuselah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Enoch walked with God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's an important statement right there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Enoch walked with God after he begot Methuselah 300 years begetting sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Enoch were 365 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Enoch walked with God colon so that, remember we've covered this before so that he was not for God took him.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I got a study on this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean we, I've got a study separate on this about portals and, and all this stuff.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And there is example number one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well actually number two, that this can happen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay, I'm not going to get into that today because this is a Bible study, not my, my in depth teachings on this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But you can look it up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Enoch walked with God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He was not for God took him.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 25.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Methuselah lived 187 years and begot LA.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now this is different from the lavak we've seen before over in chapter four, verse four.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Methuselah lived after he got Lamak 782 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Beginning sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All the days of Methuselah were 969 years and he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now we'll stop right there for a second.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He was 369 years when Noah was born.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If you do the math, he lived 600 years after Noah was born.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right, so that gives you an idea now that he was alive when Noah was preparing the ark.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we'll get into that as we get into that story.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 28.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Again, LeBeck lived 800 and lived 182 years, begot a son.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He called his name Noah, saying this same.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This Noah shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord has cursed.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Lamak lived after begotten Noah 595 years, beginning sons and daughters.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And all the days of Lamech were 777 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:777.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he died.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Noah was 500 years old.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now let's go up here and we're going to continue reading this and verse chapter number six, Genesis 6.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it came to pass when man began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and they took them wise of all they chose.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Jehovah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yahweh said.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yahweh.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Elohim said, my spirit will not always strive with man, for that he is also flesh.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yet his days now shall be a hundred and 20 years.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Verse 4.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men, which were men of old, men of renown.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it repented the Lord.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It repented.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yahweh, it repented.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It repented.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God repented that he created man.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, the creeping thing, the birds of the air, for it repents me that I have made them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In other words, repent is to be sorrowful.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Be sorry, he says.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Basically, he's saying here, I'm sorry that I made man.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Not sorry because he created them, sorry because man was now in a fallen state, could no longer fellowship with God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's what we're going to leave it at for today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We'll stop right there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis, chapter six, verse eight.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We'll pick it up there next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Drop down the show notes, leave your comments, suggestions, ideas.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, what you received out of this study.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Do you like this study?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just let me know.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I enjoy reading your comments.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I like commenting back as well.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right, till next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This pastor Bible reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.